This item is limited to in-store pickup only. Journey through Wildemount alongside the motley group known as the Mighty Nein! Encompassing the first chapters of Critical Role's second campaign, this...
The bizarre road trip across America continues as our heroes gather reinforcements for the imminent god war! Shadow and Wednesday leave the House on the Rock and continue their journey...
The new and old gods agree to meet in the center of America to exchange the body of the old gods’ fallen leader–heading towards the inevitable god war in this...
You think you know these stories, don’t you? You are wrong. You don’t know them at all. Twelve tales, twelve dangerous tales of mystery, magic, and rebellious hearts. Each twists...
Hilarious collection of Dungeons & Dragons-themed pet jokes by acclaimed comics creators Andi Ewington, Rhianna Pratchett, Calum Alexander Watt and Alex de Campi What if your pets could play D&D?...
Hot on the heels of The Adventure Zone: Here There Be Gerblins, the smash hit graphic novel that launched the series, Murder on the Rockport Limited picks up the saga...
(W) Joe Hill (A) Gabriel Rodriguez New York Times bestselling writer Joe Hill and artist Gabriel Rodriguez, the creators behind the acclaimed Locke & Key: Welcome to Lovecraft, return with...