The Kasrkin are the elite of the elite. These special operatives are trusted with more potent weaponry – such as high-powered hot-shot lasguns – and are equipped with thicker carapace...
Guns blaze and blades clash amidst the shadows of gothic hellscapes as kill teams fight for supremacy. Hard-bitten saboteurs dash through hails of crossfire to plant their explosive charges. Hulking...
Legionaries are Space Marines that have fallen to the lure of Chaos. Whether they hail from the dark days of the Horus Heresy or have recently turned traitor, these baleful...
The Death Korps of Krieg are uncompromising warriors who disdain such ideas as retreat or surrender. They excel in long battles of attrition and trench warfare, and their siege regiments...
Hearthkyn Salvagers are the experienced combat-surveyors of the Leagues of Votann. They are deployed to scout out hazardous locations, such as drifting space hulks or rad-blasted killzones, in search of...
A Hand of the Archon kill team is formed by the most cunning, cruel, and ambitious of Drukhari Kabalites. These sinister raiders sow terror and pain during their murderous assaults...
Exaction Squads enforce the Lex Imperialis – the Imperial Law. Made up of the most highly skilled Adeptus Arbites, they are despatched to hunt down heinous criminals and secure their...
Scout Squads are comprised of Space Marines in training, not yet fully elevated to the ranks of battle-brothers. Nonetheless, each operative is physically and mentally strong and robust by an...
Phobos Strike Teams wear a lighter variant of Mark X armour, designed for stealth and agility. Armed with a variety of specialised wargear, these lethal squads use surprise and overwhelming...
Inquisitors wield nearly limitless power in the Imperium, and dispatch cells of sanctioned agents across the galaxy to do their bidding. Led by trusted Interrogator apprentices, these secret teams might...
Foul warbands afflicted by a gruesome techno-organic plague, the Gellerpox Infected are nightmarish meldings of festering flesh and malignant machinery. These hideous beings may once have been loyal servants of...
Novitiates are young recruits to the Adepta Sororitas. Trained by the Drill Abbots of the Schola Progenium, these impetuous warriors are assigned to an Order Militant to gain combat experience...