Not every villain is content to contain their schemes to a single parochial planet—some have much more cosmic ambitions, unleashing their evil against the countless worlds of the galaxy. If...
The world is always in need of heroes. In order to truly achieve peace, there are times when we must put aside our differences and focus on doing what is...
In The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game, players assemble a band of adventurers who are attempting to complete dangerous quests in Middle-earth. From the bright fields of the...
Myriad dimensions exist layered over our own. Sometimes, when the barrier between these layers is thin, things creep in from the vast beyond. It is up to those with accursed...
The nefarious organization known as Hydra has insidiously spread its tentacles through all of society, corrupting governments and subverting justice around the world. It may begin with an open attack...
"And He shall put on the semblance of men, the waxen mask and the robe that hides, and come down from the world of Seven Suns to mock…" –H.P. Lovecraft, Whisperer...
Strange disappearances haunt the city of Arkham, Massachusetts. With each object, building, or person that vanishes, they are erased not just from physical existence, but from history and memory as...
The universe is full of both good and evil. Mighty heroes clash with dastardly villains in every galaxy, and yet one threat has risen above all the others. One being...
Vampire: The Masquerade Rivals Expandable Card Game puts you in control of a coterie of vampires who vie for control of the city of San Francisco. Through dominating mortals, using...
Whether from the depths of the earth or the infinite cosmos, unknown terrors can appear without warning. Unspeakable horrors come in all shapes and sizes, and often the threat they...
Our world may seem significant—the center of our personal universes. But amidst the unknowable eldritch Mythos, Earth is a tiny microcosm of primitive life, a laughable mote of dirt and...
There Has Been a Distortion in Time... Something is wrong. Nobel Award-winning scientists and their revolutionary discoveries have vanished. This ripple in reality is a loss for humanity, and it...