The nimble, graceful Elves are known throughout Middle-earth for their beauty and adaptability. The Wood-elves of Lórien have been a powerful, influential force of good throughout history, and now players...
The proud, hardy Dwarves are known throughout Middle-earth for their tenacity, strength, and craftsmanship. From the members of the Traveling Company to the noble line of Durin, the Dwarves are...
The Kingdom of Gondor has been beset by enemies for centuries. Constantly under the threat of Mordor, the people of Gondor have grown into stalwart defenders of the Free Peoples,...
A monstrous presence once terrorized the secluded village of Dunwich. The season of horror ended only after three professors from Miskatonic University—Dr. Henry Armitage, Dr. Francis Morgan, and Professor Warren...
In The Labyrinths of Lunacy, you and your fellow investigators wake to find yourselves gathered in a strange place, with no memory of how you arrived. Your muscles are weak and...
The western lands of Eriador have long remained peaceful under the vigilance of the Rangers of the North. Yet no grave can contain the evil forces of Angmar, which lurk...
The mysterious Dúnedain tirelessly protect the Free Peoples from lurking shadows and unseen dangers. In their duty to safeguard the realm, these Rangers of the North selflessly walk in harm’s...
Get everything from Arkham Horror Card Game The Dream-Eaters Cycle! This includes all cards that are in the new-edition The Dream-Eaters Investigator Box and The Dream-Eaters Campaign Box in the...
Imprisoned in an imaginary city among the stars, the Lord of Carcosa works to spread madness and misery among the unwitting. However, there are those who would sacrifice their very...
For weeks, the upcoming performance of The King in Yellow has been the talk of the town. But after researching the play’s dark history, you are convinced something foul is...
Since the four members of the Wrecking Crew decided to join forces, they’ve been a thorn in the side of every great Marvel hero from Thor to the Defenders. Not...
We think we know the history of the Earth, but there are secrets that lie beyond our ken and truths that threaten to undo our understanding of the universe. When...