Appointed leader of the legendary Valkyrior by Odin, Brunnhilde defied the All-Father’s wishes by leaving Asgard to join the Avengers. Since that day, she has dedicated herself to the defense...
"And He shall put on the semblance of men, the waxen mask and the robe that hides, and come down from the world of Seven Suns to mock…" –H.P. Lovecraft, Whisperer...
Raised in the seedy underworld of New Orleans as part of the Thieves Guild, Remy LeBeau left behind a life of crime to join the X-Men. Using his mutant power...
As Charles Xavier’s first student, nobody is more dedicated to the Professor’s dream of peaceful coexistence than Scott Summers, better known as the hero Cyclops. Armed with powerful optic beams...
Prepare yourselves, mortal heroes! You have been tested before by the likes of Green Goblin or the Wrecking Crew, and you’ll soon be able to take on Hydra with The...
Strange disappearances haunt the city of Arkham, Massachusetts. With each object, building, or person that vanishes, they are erased not just from physical existence, but from history and memory as...
The universe is full of both good and evil. Mighty heroes clash with dastardly villains in every galaxy, and yet one threat has risen above all the others. One being...
Vampire: The Masquerade Rivals Expandable Card Game puts you in control of a coterie of vampires who vie for control of the city of San Francisco. Through dominating mortals, using...
Whether from the depths of the earth or the infinite cosmos, unknown terrors can appear without warning. Unspeakable horrors come in all shapes and sizes, and often the threat they...
Our world may seem significant—the center of our personal universes. But amidst the unknowable eldritch Mythos, Earth is a tiny microcosm of primitive life, a laughable mote of dirt and...
Cursed with an uncontrollable ability that causes her to absorb the powers and memories of anyone she touches, Anna Marie ran away from home as a teenager. Professor X offered...
Welcome, one and all, to the marvelous and magnificent Mojoverse, a terrifically televised realm of nonstop entertainment and jaw-dropping drama. A bunch of upstart heroes think they can triumph over...