The Inner Sphere Command Lance includes the iconic Marauder, Archer, Valkyrie, and Stinger - no assembly required! - along with four MechWarrior pilot cards and four Alpha Strike cards. Perfect...
In 2439 the Terran Hegemony unleashed the Mackie, the first BattleMech, setting off an arms race across the Inner Sphere. The Proliferation Cycle anthology tells the story of how all...
The Little Tin Can that discovered flight in the hearts and minds of Urbie lovers (or haters) has finally found its proverbial wings in reality! Or at least a stronger...
From the vault at Catalyst. A New Command Lance rises The Star League Command Lance brings in not only a new armada of weaponry to the battlefield, but style as...
Unleash the Kell Hounds Striker Lance! Included is the new Nightsky, a re-posed Wolfhound, and new variants of the Griffin and jumping Crusader - no assembly required - along with...
Unleash the Eridani Light Horse Hunter Lance! Included are the new Sagittaire, reposed Banshee, and new variants of the Cyclops and a jumping Thunderbolt - no assembly required - along...
Loved and hated in equal measure, over the last four decades the UrbanMech has become the mascot of BattleTech. Recently, the UrbanMech has been turned into multiple plushies, appeared in...
DEPLOYMENT IN THREE…TWO…ONE… BattleTech is the world's greatest armored combat game, filled with epic stories and gaming experiences to satiate any player: miniatures to RPG play, hobby painting to fiction,...
Includes 4x Painted Hills. Hextech is tabletop ready painted terrain, ready for your titanic mechs to fight epic battles over, straight out of the box!
This selection of The Army Painter material has everything you need to start painting your 'Mech miniatures: ten bottles of acrylic paint and a brush. The all-in-one Speedpaint is a...
These high-quality, affordable, read-to-play plastic miniatures ForcePacks are the heart and soul of BattleTech. Each re-imagined miniature retains the core of each 'Mech's identity grounded in the original artist expression...