Iridan the Witness is determined to preserve the memory of the Ruination chambers' warriors as they once were, before the nightmare of the flaw and the slow degradation of their...
Bloodthirsters are the mightiest of Khorne’s daemons, the fury of war given terrible form. Every one of these towering beasts is the equal of an entire mortal army. This multi-part...
A Keeper of Secrets is a Greater Daemon of Slaanesh, a consummate warrior and spellmaster of the Dark Prince’s hosts. Their four powerful limbs move languidly as they slink forwards...
Ushoran is an ancient and monstrous lord, one of the very first vampires, and stands amongst the most dreaded of Nagash’s Mortarch lieutenants. He is the Carrion King, the Lord...
Trugg is the mightiest of all troggoths. A towering mass of strength and ill temper, he carries atop his back an arcane keystone of ancient design, which fuels his already...
The Saviours of Cinderfall root out the horrors found in the backstreets and hidden catacombs of the God-King’s free cities. Witch Hunter Hanniver Toll, his companion Armand Callis, and a...
The Flesh-eater Courts reign in the shadows of ruined empires. Hordes of cannibals gather under the deluded rule of vampiric abhorrants, utterly convinced that they are noble knights and faithful...
The Orruk Warclans love to fight – in fact, it’s no lie to say that their entire culture revolves around conflict. The swamp-dwelling Kruleboyz are an unusual breed of orruk,...
Stormcast Eternals are each forged in Azyr by Sigmar's own hand. Riding thunderbolts, they arrive on the battlefield with an ear-splitting thunderclap, ready to face the forces of Chaos, Death...
The reptilian Seraphon strive tirelessly to advance the Great Plan of the Old Ones, returning true order and balance to realms warped by the Dark Gods. Their armies see cold-blooded...
The Kharadron Overlords are dauntless duardin traders and explorers. They sail through the skies on marvels of technology and are armed with powerful weapons unlike anything else found in the...
The Ogor Mawtribes are nomadic empires of brutish juggernauts that range across the lands, raiding and pillaging to appease their insatiable hunger. Iron-fisted Tyrants lead young and bullish Gluttons to...