Rat Ogors are rabid war-mutants created by grafting nimble Skaven to the muscled bulk of ogorkind through strange flesh-crafting, sorcery and infusing them with warpstone shards. These misbegotten warriors are...
Four-armed horrors that possess the gestalt essence of master duellists, Necropolis talkers leap and spin into battle with terrifying speed, switching stance and form in the blink of an eye...
Grundstok Thunderers are heavily armoured marines, hired by Kharadron airfleets to fight off any hostiles who might threaten their voyage. Expert gunners trained at the Grundstok Company's academies, Thunderers march,...
Chaos Chosen are elite devotees of the Ruinous Powers, champions who have garnered enough dark rewards to stand above their brethren. Armed with wicked soul-cleaving weapons, these ambitious heralds of...
The Reclusians are the warriors of the Ruination chambers, their identities eroded by countless Reforgings over centuries in service to the God-King. Though they are close to becoming more engine...
The Cryptguard are ghouls of uncommon tenacity and worth, elevated to an elite station by performing some great feat of endurance in the sight of their vampiric liege. Charged with...
Armed and armoured with the kingdom’s finest equipment, the Grave Guard are the elite warriors of tomb and barrow. They carry cursed blades woven through with the magic of darkness...
Wielding an assortment of jagged spears and wickedly sharp hand weapons, the Gutrippaz are the mainstay of any Kruleboyz army. They march to battle in ramshackle phalanxes, their grinning skareshields...
Squig Hoppers bound madly into battle, wreaking havoc on anything they collide with. Fed on a diet of gassy fungus to help them hurtle skyward, each ill-tempered squig has a...
Devoted followers of Khaine, Witch Aelves spend their entire lives dedicated to serving their bloodthirsty deity. Weapons practice and mock duels take up the majority of their daily lives, yet...
Lunatic murdersmiths who are feared and revered in equal measure, the Wrathmongers are absolute in their fervent devotion to Khorne. Infused with the unnatural energies of daemons, they are the...